A New Way of Living
Often the simplest solutions are the best ones. Kindness is the simple and scientifically proven remedy that you and everyone on the planet urgently need to administer right now.

Kindness is the force, the power the world urgently needs right now to reinvent itself. The global pandemic and the senseless in- justice that triggered a wave of Black Lives Matter protests signal as never before the need for a new way of living. As well as offer- ing a simple guide to making kindness not just something you do but your new way of life, this book offers evidence to prove that kindness truly is the best and only way forward for you, the people you care about and the world to heal.
If I told you that acts of everyday kindness can boost your mood and immunity, lower blood pressure, ease anxiety, make you look and feel younger, improve all your relationships (including the one you have with yourself) and give you a sense of deep meaning and purpose, you would probably think this all sounds too good to be true.
But it isn’t!
Often the simplest solutions are the best ones. Kindness is the simple and scientifically proven remedy that you and everyone on the planet urgently need to administer right now.
So, if you want to find your meaning and purpose and help save, connect and heal the world at the same time, but aren’t quite sure how – as the pre-virus, pre-Black Lives Matter era tended to marginalise the drive within us all to be kind – this book is for you and your brave, beautiful new life and world.
Theresa Cheung
100 Ways to Be Kind
Theresa Cheung
A road map of practical, simple and immediately actionable ways to be kind including how to be kinder to yourself, to others and to nature.